The project that spoke to me…….

The project that spoke to me the most was by Lee L. I choose to just put his last initial to keep a little confidentiality.  It was about being able to trust people and how trusting people was a major problem for him.  Lee wrote his biggest secret in a a piece of paper and wrapped it up and passed it around the class as he left the room.  The class had to decide whether or not to read the note.  The first pass of the note was successful, however he re-entered the room and we passed it around again only folded over once and this time it was read by a couple of people.  This clearly upset Lee that people still actually read it.  I don’t think I would have put my biggest secret in the paper, I would have just made something up to test the trustworthy qualities of people.  I don’t really trust people either and some people would rather risk upsetting someone rather than just not being nosey, because people are obsessed with gossip.  I chose not to read it either time and brought up this exact point.  I do not really know Lee, but I don’t want to start out my interaction with the man by him not trusting me out of the gate because of a school assignment.  He will always remember the people that opened that letter too.  I think as far as creativity, that was pretty good considering in past projects there have been many people who did the “I didn’t do it” claim and that is pretty lame.  I was the most moved by this presentation and I thought it was well presented for the project criteria.

About ksloy

I am a college student trying to find his spot in the world. Hopefully music, art, and video games will aid me in carving my niche, only time will tell... View all posts by ksloy

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